The Austrian GARDEN

A Family Legacy

This garden, set in the village of Oberschützen in the Burgenland region, reflects my family’s deep connection to Austria’s rich history and nature. My parents, both musicians, bought the property in 1966, the year they married, and lovingly transformed the now over 200-year-old farmhouse into a treasured family home.

The garden they cultivated was deeply influenced by their upbringing. Both of my parents grew up surrounded by beautiful gardens and the arts, a tradition that can be traced back through several generations on both sides of the family.

A significant influence on this garden was my father's brother, ecologist and author Werner Gamerith, a pioneer in Austria’s environmental movement. His philosophy of harmonizing with the natural world guided the creation of this garden, where many of the trees, shrubs, and perennials were sourced from nearby forests, meadows and fields, and nurtured organically. The goal of such a garden is to create a home for its human inhabitants, but also an ecosystem as diverse as possible.

The Oberschützen Garden, which I have owned and tended for the past 20 years, has profoundly shaped my vision as a gardener and landscaper. It embodies many of the principles of beauty, usability, and ecological balance that I endeavor to incorporate into my work.